Sunday, March 09, 2008

Bush Appointee Helps Troops!

In an attempt to save face after her humiliating defeat by Lenny from Laverne and Shirley on the game show Jeopardy, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings appeared today on the popular NPR news quiz Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me. A regular feature of the show has celebraties call in and answer questions to win a prize for a listener. The long time Bush-crony, who has turned a blind eye to corruption and conflicts of interest in the student loan industry, was playing for Air Force Major Bob Munsen, currently stationed in Iraq. Luckily the godless liberals on the show cared enough about our troops to bend the rules a tad, and after some prompting and hints, Miss Spellings was finally able to answer two of the three questions. I hope Major Munsen enjoys Carl Kasell's voice on his home answering machine. It's too bad he didn't win enough to afford to send his kids to the same private school that Secretary Spellings sends hers to.

After haranguing PBS CEO Pat Mitchell over the Buster the Bunny scandal until she had to resign, it's a wonder that NPR didn't tell the humorless hypocrite to take a flying leap. But then she holds the future of funding for the least biased radio network in the country in her grubby little texan claws, doesn't she?
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